Orbit-BD: Nurturing Nature, Empowering Agriculture.

  • Vhabanipur, Kushtia Road, Rajbari-7700
  • +8801321141234
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Welcome to
Orbit BD

Bangladesh, a small Asian nation, is steadily expanding its agro-industry, which plays a vital role in the country's economy and landscape. With nearly half the population engaged in agriculture, the nation has made significant strides in agro-processing and livestock development, setting an example for neighboring countries. Orbit BD is a key player in this progress. Orbit BD specializes in:

  • Breeding Farm
  • Hatchery
  • Feed Mill
  • Layer Farm
  • Products
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What we do

We specialize in hatchery operations, breeding high-quality poultry, and producing premium feed. Our integrated approach ensures healthy livestock, superior productivity, and sustainable solutions for the agricultural and poultry industries.

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We offer a wide range of high-quality poultry feeds tailored to broilers, layers, and breeders. Our feeds are formulated to meet nutritional needs, enhance growth, and improve overall livestock health and productivity.

Our hatchery employs advanced technology, strict biosecurity measures, and skilled personnel to ensure optimal hatching conditions. We focus on producing healthy, high-quality chicks with excellent survival rates and long-term productivity.

Our breeding program prioritizes genetic excellence, disease resistance, and adaptability. Using innovative techniques, we produce superior livestock that meets the evolving demands of the poultry and livestock industries.

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Delivering value
since 2011

Tonnes of Eggs
Happy clients
Sales of our Products
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